General rules of the Howtosayve Service
These rules are designed to maintain and protect the rights of users. By using the site, you agree to these rules and accept the obligation to comply with them.
Website Terms of Use
1.Basic rules
1.1. Howtosayve is a service for translating texts and sayings from one language to another. The site is a paid resource created for those who work with natural languages or need linguistic services. The service provides online translations through the interaction between two categories of users - clients and experts providing translation services for any language.
1.2. Mutual polite treatment of users is expected. It is forbidden to use offensive expressions, statements that are obviously not related to the content of translations of customer requests into other languages. Capital letters should not be overused. Use lowercase letters unless uppercase is necessary. Requests and responses given in capital letters are similar to shouting.
1.3. Advertising is prohibited. Paid ads may only be placed in designated advertising areas on
1.1.Principle of the Service
2.1. Registration of users on the Service
A single user registration form is available on the Service: A registered user can be considered both a client and an expert, depending on whether he requests or provides a translation.
By using the site, you agree to the "Terms of Service" and accept the obligation to comply with them.
1.2.Module "Client"
The client sends the request in the following order.
A). After logging in, the client can select any original language and any translate language from the list of available languages for the request. If the desired languages are not in the list, the client can add them himself. using the function: +Add language (adding a language).
B). The client enters his request, taking into account the restrictions and conditions specified in the "User Agreement".
C). To pay for the services of experts in translating texts, the client replenishes his account on the Service. At the same time, the funds are actually credited and stored in the payment system used by the Service to organize payments between clients and experts on the side of the operating company of this payment system (Paying Agent).
D). The client is waiting for the processing of his request, when ready for e-mail comes. By clicking on the notification, or from the main menu of the site in the "Expert area" section, the client can familiarize himself with all the variants of the requested translation sent by the experts.
E). The client must "close" their questions. You can close the question by choosing from all the translation options provided by various experts, the one that the client considers the most correct, by pressing the Accept&Pay button located in the Expert area section opposite this answer.
Pressing this button by the client means that the translation service has been rendered to the Client in full and he is satisfied with its quality.
F). Clients who have not closed any of their requests will be restricted from posting new questions until they close the request.
G). Since the experts who did not have time to be the first to provide one of the answer options that they consider the most correct, have the opportunity to vote for it on the Service website, it is considered that they are co-authors of this answer.
After confirming the provision of the service, in accordance with clause 2.2.D. of these Rules, the values of the amounts of the cost of the services of experts who provided the translation option of the request selected by the client, calculated according to the formula from clause 2.3.D
of these Rules are added to the values of the total amounts of remuneration accumulated by these experts in the system from the moment of the previous settlement with them, performed by the Service by sending payment instructions to the Paying Agent.
H). The amounts of payments from clients and remuneration of experts are accounted for by the Service on their conditional accounts. In this case, in fact, the funds transferred by clients to the system are on the accounts of the Paying Agent. Clients and experts can get acquainted with the movement of funds on their conditional account and its current state on the Service website in the Balance section, accessible from the main menu of the website.
If there is a remuneration to a specific expert in the amount exceeding 100 rubles on the conditional account, unpaid by the Service, this expert has the opportunity to request the entire amount of the remuneration for withdrawal through the payment system available on the Service.
Having received such a request from the expert, the Service generates and sends orders to the Payment Agent to transfer client funds to the expert in amounts equal to the volume of services rendered by this expert to these clients, as well as to transfer remuneration to the Service for the provision of services.
After the transfer of funds by the Payment Agent in accordance with the specified instructions, the Service updates the current status of conditional accounts of clients and experts.
The maximum duration of waiting for acceptance and payment of the correct response from the client is 180 days. If during this time the client does not accept the response, the transaction is considered to have failed, and the Payment Agent automatically returns the money to the client.
1.3.Module "Service"
A). The Service stores a list of experts indicating the languages they selected during registration, or in the profile of their personal account, from /to which they are ready to perform translations at the request of clients.
The service sends a notification to experts about the receipt of a request indicating the content of the request itself, the date and time of its receipt, the cost of translation, to the e-mail addresses of experts, if the original and translation languages specified in the request are in the list of languages that are marked in the expert's profile.
B). By clicking on the link from the request notification, the expert has the opportunity to respond by entering a text or audio message into a special form and clicking the button to confirm sending this response to the Service.
After sending a response to the request, the client who sent this request to the system receives a notification, clicking on the link from which he gets the opportunity to get acquainted with all the answers that came from experts on this request.
C). The service receives answers from experts and arranges them in a column in the order of the largest number of experts who have chosen (sent) this answer. Since there are many experts, it is likely that there will be many different and completely identical answers for each request. For each new answer, a new row is created in the column. The "Agree&Share" button is located next to it. By clicking it, the expert can save time on entering and sending a response (if he agrees with the option that is already on the site).
Information about which of the experts sent which answer is recorded. The answer itself is made in the form of a hyperlink. By clicking on it, the user goes to the response page, where you can see which of the experts sent exactly this answer. If the same answers come from different experts, then the registration name (nickname) of the expert, the time of receipt of the answer and the expert's ownership of this answer (in percent) are indicated inside the link. Experts inside the response page are sorted and displayed as a list in descending order of ownership of the response, which coincides with the order of the time of receipt (first come – first in the column).
D). Next to each different answer in the list of answers, the number of respondents in this way and the percentage of the total number of respondents are indicated. After each new response is received, these indicators are recalculated and the list is updated.
E). The service receives an indication from the client of the selected option and awards remuneration to experts who have sent the correct answer according to the following scheme:
- the first one who sent this response receives 35% of the amount of remuneration; - the second – 20% of the amount; - third – 15 % of the amount; - fourth – 10% of the amount; fifth – 5% of the amount; Service commission – 5% of the amount; - all subsequent ones – an amount equal to the remaining 10% divided by the number of all respondents (who sent this particular answer), starting from the 6th respondent and further.
F). The formed structure of shares expressed in percentages calculated for each expert according to the scheme from the previous paragraph is considered to be the structure of ownership by experts of the rights to subsequent income from this transfer. The service transfers money to all experts who own shares in this transfer, in proportion to the current ownership structure.
G). The service sends a notification to all respondents about which option the user has chosen, and provides access to the table of distribution of remuneration for this transfer, which was received by experts who gave the correct answer.
H). Information about requests and responses is stored on the Service and remains available to customers and experts during the entire time of operation of the Service. Experts can choose the answers they like, or send new answers using the "Agree&Share" button during the entire time of the Service.
I). If the next time the Client receives exactly the same request, the procedure is repeated. Despite the fact that the answers to such a request are already available on the website, experts are still invited to participate and provide (or choose) a translation option. They can give new answers, but if they give answers from among those that are already on the site, they are simply added to the end of the list, joining the ranks of those who share the last 10 percent among themselves.
J). Every time a client chooses an answer, all experts who have chosen this answer are rewarded on their conditional accounts according to the above scheme.
1.4.Module "Expert"
A). The expert receives a letter to his email address with a notification of the request and a link to the form, by clicking on which he has the opportunity to enter a response to the request in this form.
B). Experts can choose an existing option using the "Agree&Share" button, or send new answers using the "Answer" button.
2.Content moderation rules
Responsibility for the content of the content and the consequences of its placement is borne by the User posting the content, the Copyright Holder is not responsible and cannot be held as a defendant in court and other proceedings on such issues. The User is responsible for any information posted on the Service.
Content includes:
2.1. When using the Service, the User is prohibited
2.1.1. Placing any types of advertising materials on the Service, as well as placing ads or services containing hidden advertising;
2.1.2. Mislead other users about their identity by using the login and password of another registered user;
2.1.3. Upload, store, publish, distribute and make available or otherwise use any information that:
2.1.4. Carry out mass mailing of messages not related to the main functionality of the Service to users of the Service;
2.1.5. It is illegal to upload, store, publish, distribute and provide access to or otherwise use the intellectual property of Users or the Copyright Holder and third parties;
2.1.6. In any way, including, but not limited to, by deception, breach of trust, hacking, try to gain access to the login and password of another User;
2.1.7. Carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of other persons;
2.2. Policy of care for the Users of the Service and responsibility for its use
2.2.1. The Administration of the Service adheres to the principle of accepting different points of view and respectful attitude towards each other.
2.2.2. The Administration has the right to remove content, including User comments, unilaterally in the following cases without the obligation to restore if it aims to directly insult a person, race, gender, comparison with animals or other types of insult, harassment, harassment of Users (including obscene language) or violates the rules and requirements for content established in section 2.1.
2.2.3. In the event of a violation on the Service of the legitimate rights and interests of Users or third parties, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the provisions of these Rules, the Copyright Holder, represented by the administration of the Service, has the right, at his choice, to take the following measures, both individually and, if necessary, in aggregate, in in accordance with the User Agreement, depending on the nature and frequency of the relevant violations:
2.2.4. The Copyright Holder, represented by the administration of the Service, is not responsible for the violation by the User of these Rules and reserves the right, at its own discretion, as well as upon receipt of information from other users or third parties about the violation by the User of these Rules, to change (moderate), block or delete any published User information that violates the prohibitions established by these Rules, suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to all or any of the sections or functionality of the Application.
2.3. Blocking users in case of violation of the Rules
2.3.1. In case of repeated, systematic violation of the Rules, complaints from other Users, attempts to spam or other violations of the rules or the User Agreement, the Service Administration has the right to apply measures to block the Users' access to the functionality of the Service.
2.3.2. Temporary blocking for up to 1 calendar month is carried out in case of a single violation by the User of these Rules.
2.3.3. In the event of repeated violation by the User of these Rules, the Service blocks the access of the User-violator, his account is deleted, all the User's assets formed as part of the interaction between the User and the Service are frozen, payments to the User-violator of rewards and refunds of advance payments are not made.
2.3.4. Content moderation is performed according to a two-level scheme. At the first level, any user of the system has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the materials provided by any other user using the request machine and the response pages generated by the Service, and - report the presence in these materials of content prohibited in accordance with these Rules using the "Report prohibited content" button. content”, available on all pages of the service, where content posted by users themselves is shown.
By pressing this button, a message is automatically generated and sent to the moderators of the service, containing a screenshot and a text message containing a specific description of the violation associated with the placement of prohibited content (if the user who reported this provided such a description).
The moderators consider this appeal and, if a violation really takes place, they block the user who committed it, delete the account and information about the assets of this user in the service accounting system, and freeze the user's assets in accordance with the above rules.
2.3.5. If the moderator has not found confirmation of a violation, then the complaint is considered incorrect. If the complaint is filed incorrectly once, the user will receive a notification with a warning. In case of repeated incorrect use, the user will be charged a fine of 50 rubles. If this situation repeats for the third time, the user’s access to the Service is blocked forever, his account is deleted, and all assets accumulated during the use of the Service are canceled
2.4. Final provisions of content moderation
2.4.1. Content moderation rules are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. Issues not regulated by the Rules are subject to resolution in accordance with the User Agreement, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.4.2. In the event of any disputes or disagreements related to the execution of these Rules, the User and the Copyright Holder, represented by the Service Administration, will make every effort to resolve them through negotiations. In the event that disputes are not resolved through negotiations, they are subject to resolution in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.4.3. If, for one reason or another, one or more provisions of these Rules are declared invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions.